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Mayte Green-Mercado

Mayte Green-Mercado, Lead Principal Investigator, is an Associate Professor of History, and the Newark Campus Director of the Institute for the Study of Global Racial Justice at Rutgers University. She teaches courses on race and race-making in the pre-modern world; migration, displacement, and refugees in the Mediterranean; and history of Islamic civilization. Her current book project is concerned with histories of displacement, migration, and refugees in the early modern Mediterranean. She serves as a manuscript and grant reviewer for national and international organizations, she sits on the boards of The Mediterranean Seminar, The Spain North Africa Project, and several editorial boards, and and she serves as mentor for the Race B4 Race mentorship network. She is a 2021 recipient of a Chancellor’s SEED grant award for the Mediterranean Displacements Project, of which she is founder and co-director. She is co-founder of the Arabic Language Initiative at RU-N, which receives funding from the Department of Education.